4. Matplotlib plot json

Matplotlib can be used to draw a graph of json data from the web.

4.1. Temperature forecast


4.2. Python code

The python code is below.
The code is commented to indicate what each part is doing.
 2import numpy as np
 3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 4import json
 5from urllib.request import urlopen
 6from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 7from pathlib import Path
10def plot_weather_temperatures(title, url):
11    """Plots the weather data from the given url and gives it the given title.
13    Args:
14        title (str): The title of the plot.
15        url (str): The url of the API that provides weather data.
17    Returns:
18        None
19    """
20    # Open the URL and read its content
21    with urlopen(url) as response:
22        source = response.read()
23    # Load the content as a JSON object
24    data = json.loads(source)
25    # Extract the list of dates from the "daily" key of the JSON object
26    dates_list = data["daily"]["time"]
27    # Extract the list of maximum temperatures from the "daily" key of the JSON object
28    tmax = data["daily"]["temperature_2m_max"]
29    # Extract the list of minimum temperatures from the "daily" key of the JSON object
30    tmin = data["daily"]["temperature_2m_min"]
31    # Convert the dates in dates_list to datetime objects
32    dates_list = [datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") for date in dates_list]
33    # plot lines with x, y, colour, markers, labels for legend
34    plt.plot(dates_list, tmax, color='darkred', marker='o', label = "Max Temp")
35    plt.plot(dates_list, tmin, color='blue', marker='x', label = "Min Temp")
36    # Set the offset values for the x and y coordinates of the temperature labels
37    x_offset = timedelta(days=0.2)
38    max_offset = 0.7
39    min_offset = -1.2
40    # Label the maximum temperatures
41    for x, y in zip(dates_list, tmax):
42        plt.text(x - x_offset, y + max_offset, f"{y:.1f}", color="darkred", fontsize=8)
43    # Label the minimum temperatures
44    for x, y in zip(dates_list, tmin):
45        plt.text(x - x_offset, y + min_offset, f"{y:.1f}", color="blue", fontsize=8)
46    # Set the bottom limit of the y-axis to the minimum of 0 and 2 units below the minimum temperature,
47    # and set the top limit of the y-axis to 2 units above the maximum temperature
48    plt.ylim(bottom=min(0, min(tmin) - 2), top=max(tmax) + 2)
49    # Set the y ticks to be every 2 units
50    ymin = min(0, min(tmin) - 2)
51    ymax = max(tmax) + 2
52    plt.yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax, 2))
53    # format dates so they are angled to fit
54    plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()
55    # Set the font size of the x-axis labels to 10 points
56    plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8)
57    # add a grid
58    plt.grid(True)
59    # add axis title labels
60    plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=14)
61    # \N{DEGREE SIGN} si the escape sequence for unicode name for the degree symbol
62    plt.ylabel('Temperature (\N{DEGREE SIGN}C)', fontsize=14)
63    # add plot title
64    plt.title(title,fontsize=18)
65    # place legend at lower right
66    plt.legend(loc="lower right")
67    # Get the directory of the current file
68    currfile_dir = Path(__file__).parent
69    # Replace spaces in title with underscores to create filename for saving figure
70    filename = title.replace(" ", "_")
71    # build the image file path
72    filepath = currfile_dir / (f"{filename}.png")
73    # Save figure (dpi 300 is good when saving so graph has high resolution)
74    plt.savefig(filepath, dpi=600)
75    # Show plot
76    plt.show()
79def plot_melb_temp_7day():
80    url = "https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude=-37.81&longitude=144.96&daily=temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min&timezone=Australia%2FSydney"
81    title = "Melb Temp forecast Jul 2023"
82    plot_weather_temperatures(title, url)
85if __name__ == '__main__':
86    plot_melb_temp_7day()