3. Polygon construction

VC2M9SP03: level 9: Design, test and refine algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions based on geometric constructions and theorems; discuss and evaluate refinements
  • developing an algorithm for an animation of a geometric construction, or a visual proof, evaluating the algorithm using test cases

3.1. Equilateral triangle

Here is one (there are others) algorithm to construct an equilateral triangle:
  • Input: a line segment AB with length L

  • Step 1: Draw a circle C1 with center A and radius L

  • Step 2: Draw a circle C2 with center B and radius L

  • Step 3: Find the point C where C1 and C2 intersect

  • Step 4: Draw a line segment AC

  • Step 5: Draw a line segment BC

  • Step 6: Triangle ABC is equilateral with side length L

Here is a diagram which illustrates the equilateral triangle construction.
Here is the python to draw the equilateral triangle construction.
  1import turtle
  2import math
  5def label_point(t, label, deltax=-12, deltay=2, penc="black"):
  6    """
  7    Write a label next to the current position of the turtle.
  9    Args:
 10        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 11        label (str): The text to be displayed as the label.
 12        deltax (int, optional): The horizontal offset from the turtle's position. Defaults to -12.
 13        deltay (int, optional): The vertical offset from the turtle's position. Defaults to 2.
 14        penc (str, optional): The color of the text. Defaults to "black".
 15    """
 16    t.penup()  # Lift the pen to avoid drawing while moving
 17    t.setx(t.xcor() + deltax)  # Move the turtle horizontally by deltax units
 18    t.sety(t.ycor() + deltay)  # Move the turtle vertically by deltay units
 19    t.pendown()  # Lower the pen to start drawing
 20    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color for the label
 21    t.write(label, font=("Arial", 12, "normal"))  # Display the label using the specified font
 24def move_to(t, point):
 25    """
 26    Move the turtle to a specified point without drawing.
 28    Args:
 29        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 30        point (tuple): The coordinates of the target point (x, y).
 31    """
 32    t.penup()  # Lift the pen to avoid drawing while moving
 33    t.goto(point)  # Move the turtle to the specified point
 36def move_arc(t, centre=(0, 0), angle=0, radius=10, extent=360):
 37    """
 38    Move the turtle along an arc with a given center, angle, radius, and extent.
 40    Args:
 41        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 42        centre (tuple, optional): The coordinates of the center of the arc (x, y). Defaults to (0, 0).
 43        angle (int, optional): The angle of the initial position of the turtle relative to the center. Defaults to 0.
 44        radius (int, optional): The radius of the arc. Defaults to 10.
 45        extent (int, optional): The angle of the arc that the turtle moves along. Defaults to 360.
 46    """
 47    move_to(t, centre)  # Move the turtle to the specified center
 48    t.seth(angle)  # Set the turtle's heading (angle) to the initial angle
 49    t.fd(radius)  # Move the turtle forward by the specified radius
 50    t.seth(angle + 90)  # Set the turtle's heading to be perpendicular to the initial angle
 51    t.circle(radius, extent=extent)  # Draw an arc with the specified radius and extent
 54def draw_line_points(t, point1, point2, penw=1, penc="black"):
 55    """
 56    Draw a straight line from a starting point (point1) to an ending point (point2) using the specified pen width and color.
 58    Args:
 59        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 60        point1 (tuple): The coordinates of the starting point (x, y).
 61        point2 (tuple): The coordinates of the ending point (x, y).
 62        penw (int, optional): The width of the line. Defaults to 1.
 63        penc (str, optional): The color of the line. Defaults to "black".
 64    """
 65    move_to(t, point1)  # Move the turtle to the starting point
 66    t.pendown()  # Put the pen down to start drawing
 67    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color
 68    t.pensize(penw)  # Set the pen width
 69    t.goto(point2)  # Draw a straight line to the ending point
 72def draw_centered_arc(t, centre=(0, 0), angle=0, radius=10, extent=360, penw=1, penc="black"):
 73    """
 74    Draw an arc with a given center, angle, radius, extent, pen width, and color.
 76    Args:
 77        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 78        centre (tuple, optional): The coordinates of the center of the arc (x, y). Defaults to (0, 0).
 79        angle (int, optional): The angle of the initial position of the turtle relative to the center. Defaults to 0.
 80        radius (int, optional): The radius of the arc. Defaults to 10.
 81        extent (int, optional): The angle of the arc that the turtle draws. Defaults to 360.
 82        penw (int, optional): The width of the pen. Defaults to 1.
 83        penc (str, optional): The color of the pen. Defaults to "black".
 84    """
 85    move_to(t, centre)  # Move the turtle to the specified center
 86    t.seth(angle)  # Set the turtle's heading (angle) to the initial angle
 87    t.pensize(penw)  # Set the pen width
 88    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color
 89    t.fd(radius)  # Move the turtle forward by the specified radius
 90    t.pd()  # Put the pen down to start drawing
 91    t.seth(angle + 90)  # Set the turtle's heading to be perpendicular to the initial angle
 92    t.circle(radius, extent=extent)  # Draw an arc with the specified radius and extent
 94    # Draw dots at regular intervals along the arc
 95    for i in range(int((360 - extent) / 60)):
 96        t.pd()  # Put the pen down to draw
 97        t.circle(radius, extent=45)  # Draw a small arc segment
 98        t.pu()  # Lift the pen to stop drawing
 99        t.circle(radius, extent=15)  # Move to the next position to draw a dot
102def construct_equilateral_triangle(t, L, w):
103    # Hide the turtle
104    t.hideturtle()
105    A = (-L / 2, 0)
106    B = (L / 2, 0)
107    C = (0, L * math.sqrt(3) / 2)
108    # Draw the line segment AB
109    draw_line_points(t, A, B, penw=w, penc="black")
111    # Label the point A
112    move_to(t, (-L / 2, 0))
113    t.dot(5, "red")
114    label_point(t, "A", deltax=-12, deltay=2, penc="red")
116    # Label the point B
117    move_to(t, (L / 2, 0))
118    t.dot(5, "blue")
119    label_point(t, "B", deltax=12, deltay=2, penc="blue")
121    # Draw the circle C1 with center A and radius L
122    draw_centered_arc(t, (-L / 2, 0), angle=0, radius=L, extent=0, penw=w, penc="red")
123    # Draw the circle C2 with center B and radius L
124    draw_centered_arc(t, (L / 2, 0), angle=120, radius=L, extent=0, penw=w, penc="blue")
125    # Draw the line segment AC
126    draw_line_points(t, A, C, penw=w, penc="red")
127    # Draw the line segment BC
128    draw_line_points(t, B, C, penw=w, penc="blue")
129    # Label the point C
130    t.dot(5, "green")
131    label_point(t, "C", deltax=0, deltay=5, penc="green")
135def main():
136    SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
137    SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600
138    L = 100
140    # Set up the turtle screen
141    s = turtle.Screen()
142    s.bgcolor("white")
143    s.title("equilateral triangle construction")
144    s.setup(width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HEIGHT, startx=0, starty=0)
145    s.tracer(1, 10)
147    # Create a turtle object
148    t = turtle.Turtle()
149    t.speed(10) # Set the turtle's speed to the fastest
150    t.ht()
153    # Call the function to construct the triangle
154    construct_equilateral_triangle(t, L, 1)
156    s.update()
157    s.exitonclick()
160if __name__ == "__main__":
161    main()
This python saves the equilateral triangle construction as a gif file.
  1import turtle
  2import math
  3import io
  4from PIL import Image
  5from pathlib import Path
  9currfile_dir_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent         # Get the directory of the current script
 12def label_point(t, label, deltax=-12, deltay=2, penc="black"):
 13    """
 14    Write a label next to the current position of the turtle.
 16    Args:
 17        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 18        label (str): The text to be displayed as the label.
 19        deltax (int, optional): The horizontal offset from the turtle's position. Defaults to -12.
 20        deltay (int, optional): The vertical offset from the turtle's position. Defaults to 2.
 21        penc (str, optional): The color of the text. Defaults to "black".
 22    """
 23    t.penup()  # Lift the pen to avoid drawing while moving
 24    t.setx(t.xcor() + deltax)  # Move the turtle horizontally by deltax units
 25    t.sety(t.ycor() + deltay)  # Move the turtle vertically by deltay units
 26    t.pendown()  # Lower the pen to start drawing
 27    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color for the label
 28    t.write(label, font=("Arial", 12, "normal"))  # Display the label using the specified font
 32def move_to(t, point):
 33    """
 34    Move the turtle to a specified point without drawing.
 36    Args:
 37        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 38        point (tuple): The coordinates of the target point (x, y).
 39    """
 40    t.penup()  # Lift the pen to avoid drawing while moving
 41    t.goto(point)  # Move the turtle to the specified point
 44def move_arc(t, centre=(0, 0), angle=0, radius=10, extent=360):
 45    """
 46    Move the turtle along an arc with a given center, angle, radius, and extent.
 48    Args:
 49        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 50        centre (tuple, optional): The coordinates of the center of the arc (x, y). Defaults to (0, 0).
 51        angle (int, optional): The angle of the initial position of the turtle relative to the center. Defaults to 0.
 52        radius (int, optional): The radius of the arc. Defaults to 10.
 53        extent (int, optional): The angle of the arc that the turtle moves along. Defaults to 360.
 54    """
 55    move_to(t, centre)  # Move the turtle to the specified center
 56    t.seth(angle)  # Set the turtle's heading (angle) to the initial angle
 57    t.fd(radius)  # Move the turtle forward by the specified radius
 58    t.seth(angle + 90)  # Set the turtle's heading to be perpendicular to the initial angle
 59    t.circle(radius, extent=extent)  # Draw an arc with the specified radius and extent
 62def draw_line_points(t, point1, point2, penw=1, penc="black"):
 63    """
 64    Draw a straight line from a starting point (point1) to an ending point (point2) using the specified pen width and color.
 66    Args:
 67        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 68        point1 (tuple): The coordinates of the starting point (x, y).
 69        point2 (tuple): The coordinates of the ending point (x, y).
 70        penw (int, optional): The width of the line. Defaults to 1.
 71        penc (str, optional): The color of the line. Defaults to "black".
 72    """
 73    move_to(t, point1)  # Move the turtle to the starting point
 74    t.pendown()  # Put the pen down to start drawing
 75    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color
 76    t.pensize(penw)  # Set the pen width
 77    t.goto(point2)  # Draw a straight line to the ending point
 80def draw_centered_arc(t, centre=(0, 0), angle=0, radius=10, extent=360, penw=1, penc="black"):
 81    """
 82    Draw an arc with a given center, angle, radius, extent, pen width, and color.
 84    Args:
 85        t (turtle.Turtle): The turtle object used for drawing.
 86        centre (tuple, optional): The coordinates of the center of the arc (x, y). Defaults to (0, 0).
 87        angle (int, optional): The angle of the initial position of the turtle relative to the center. Defaults to 0.
 88        radius (int, optional): The radius of the arc. Defaults to 10.
 89        extent (int, optional): The angle of the arc that the turtle draws. Defaults to 360.
 90        penw (int, optional): The width of the pen. Defaults to 1.
 91        penc (str, optional): The color of the pen. Defaults to "black".
 92    """
 93    move_to(t, centre)  # Move the turtle to the specified center
 94    t.seth(angle)  # Set the turtle's heading (angle) to the initial angle
 95    t.pensize(penw)  # Set the pen width
 96    t.pencolor(penc)  # Set the pen color
 97    t.fd(radius)  # Move the turtle forward by the specified radius
 98    t.pd()  # Put the pen down to start drawing
 99    t.seth(angle + 90)  # Set the turtle's heading to be perpendicular to the initial angle
100    t.circle(radius, extent=extent)  # Draw an arc with the specified radius and extent
102    # Draw dots at regular intervals along the arc
103    for i in range(int((360 - extent) / 60)):
104        t.pd()  # Put the pen down to draw
105        t.circle(radius, extent=45)  # Draw a small arc segment
106        t.pu()  # Lift the pen to stop drawing
107        t.circle(radius, extent=15)  # Move to the next position to draw a dot
110# Define a function to construct an equilateral triangle
111def construct_equilateral_triangle_step(t, L, w, frame):
112    # Hide the turtle
113    t.hideturtle()
114    A = (-L / 2, 0)
115    B = (L / 2, 0)
116    C = (0, L * math.sqrt(3) / 2)
118    if frame == 0:
119        # Draw the line segment AB
120        draw_line_points(t, A, B, penw=w, penc="black")
121    elif frame == 1:
122        # Label the point A
123        move_to(t, A)
124        t.dot(5, "red")
125        label_point(t, "A", deltax=-12, deltay=2, penc="red")
126    elif frame == 2:
127        # Label the point B
128        move_to(t, B)
129        t.dot(5, "blue")
130        label_point(t, "B", deltax=12, deltay=2, penc="blue")
131    elif frame == 3:
132        # Draw the circle C1 with center A and radius L
133        draw_centered_arc(t, A, angle=0, radius=L, extent=0, penw=w, penc="red")
134    elif frame == 4:
135        # Draw the circle C2 with center B and radius L
136        draw_centered_arc(t, B, angle=120, radius=L, extent=0, penw=w, penc="blue")
137        # Find the point C where C1 and C2 intersect
138        # This can be done by using some trigonometry
139        # The angle between AB and AC is 60 degrees
140        # The distance from A to C is L
141        # The x-coordinate of C is L * cos(60) = L/2
142        # The y-coordinate of C is L * sin(60) = L * sqrt(3) / 2
143    elif frame == 5:
144        # Draw the line segment AC
145        draw_line_points(t, A, C, penw=w, penc="red")
146    elif frame == 6:
147        # Draw the line segment BC
148        draw_line_points(t, B, C, penw=w, penc="blue")
149        # Label the point C
150    elif frame == 7:
151        t.dot(5, "green")
152        label_point(t, "C", deltax=0, deltay=5, penc="green")
155def wait_for_click(x, y):
156    """
157    Callback function to wait for a mouse click event.
159    Args:
160        x (float): The x-coordinate of the mouse click.
161        y (float): The y-coordinate of the mouse click.
162    """
163    global continue_animation
164    continue_animation = True
167def main():
168    """
169    Main function to create an animated GIF of the step-by-step construction of an equilateral triangle.
171    Note:
172        This function sets up the turtle screen, waits for a mouse click to proceed to the next step,
173        calls the `construct_equilateral_triangle_step` function to construct each step of the triangle,
174        captures each frame as an image, and then saves the frames as an animated GIF.
175    """
176    global continue_animation
177    SCREEN_WIDTH = 500
178    SCREEN_HEIGHT = 400
179    L = 100
180    # Set up the turtle screen
181    s = turtle.Screen()
182    s.bgcolor("white")
183    s.title("Equilateral Triangle Construction")
184    s.setup(width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HEIGHT, startx=0, starty=0)
185    s.tracer(1, 10)
186    # Create a turtle object
187    t = turtle.Turtle()
188    t.speed(10)
189    t.ht()
190    images = []  # List to hold frames for the GIF
191    # Wait for a mouse click before proceeding to the next step
192    s.update()
193    continue_animation = False
194    while not continue_animation:
195        s.onclick(wait_for_click)
196        s.update()
197    # Call the function to construct each step of the triangle
198    for step in range(8):
199        construct_equilateral_triangle_step(t, L, 1, step)
200        # Capture the screen as an image and append it to the list
201        screen_img = s.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
202        img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
203        images.append(img)
204    # Define the path for the GIF
205    gif_path = currfile_dir_dir / "gifs" / "construct_equilateral_triangle.gif"
206    # Save the frames as a GIF
207    images[0].save(gif_path, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], duration=8000 / 8, loop=0, dpi=600)
208    s.bye()                                                                                                                                  
211if __name__ == "__main__":
212    main()

3.2. Hexagon construction

Here is an algorithm to construct a regular hexagon:
  • Input: a radius for the circle.

  • Step 1: Draw a circle with given radius.

  • Step 2: From the left side of the circle draw another circle.

  • Step 3: Form where these 2 circles intersect, draw another circle.

  • Step 4: Repeat in an anitclockwise direction until 6 circles have been drawn over the original circle.

  • Step 5: Mark teh intersection points and connect them.

Here is a diagram which illustrates the hexagon construction.
This python saves the hexagon construction as a gif file.
  1import turtle
  2import io
  3from PIL import Image
  4from pathlib import Path
  7def draw_centered_circle(t, centre=(0, 0), radius=10, penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
  8    t.pu()
  9    t.goto(centre)
 10    t.seth(0)
 11    t.fd(radius)
 12    t.seth(90)
 13    t.pensize(penw)
 14    t.pencolor(penc)
 15    t.pd()
 16    if fillc is not None:
 17        t.fillcolor(fillc)
 18        t.begin_fill()
 19    t.circle(radius)
 20    t.seth(0)
 21    if fillc is not None:
 22        t.end_fill()
 25def draw_circles(t, center, num_circles, radius, images):
 26    # do central circle
 27    draw_centered_circle(t, centre=center, radius=radius, penw=1, penc="black")
 28    # Capture the screen and add to images
 29    screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 30    img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 31    images.append(img)
 32    # surrounding overlapping circles
 33    angle_increment = 360 / num_circles
 34    for i in range(num_circles):
 35        t.pu()
 36        t.goto(center)
 37        t.seth(angle_increment * i)
 38        t.fd(radius)
 39        circ_center = t.pos()
 40        draw_centered_circle(t, centre=circ_center, radius=radius, penw=1, penc="red")
 42        # Capture the screen and add to images
 43        screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 44        img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 45        images.append(img)
 48def draw_hexagon(t, center, num_circles, radius, dot_size, images):
 49    # Draw dots at hexagon vertices
 50    t.penup()
 51    t.goto(center[0], center[1])
 52    t.pencolor("blue")
 53    draw_dot(t, t.pos(), dot_size)
 54    # Capture the screen and add to images
 55    screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 56    img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 57    images.append(img)
 59    # t.setheading(0)
 60    # t.penup()
 61    # t.forward(radius)
 62    # draw_dot(t, t.pos(), 15)
 63    # t.setheading(120)
 64    angle_increment = 360 / num_circles
 66    t.pu()
 67    t.goto(center)
 68    t.seth(0)
 69    t.fd(radius)
 71    draw_dot(t, t.pos(), dot_size)
 72    # Capture the screen and add to images
 73    screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 74    img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 75    images.append(img)
 77    for i in range(6):
 78        t.pu()
 79        t.goto(center)
 80        t.seth(angle_increment * (i + 1))
 81        t.fd(radius)
 83        draw_dot(t, t.pos(), dot_size)
 84        # Capture the screen and add to images
 85        screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 86        img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 87        images.append(img)
 89        t.left(240)
 90        t.fd(radius)
 91        # Capture the screen and add to images
 92        screen_img = turtle.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
 93        img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
 94        images.append(img)
 97def draw_dot(t, position, size):
 98    t.penup()
 99    t.goto(position)
100    t.pendown()
101    t.dot(size, "blue")
104def main():
105    SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
106    SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600
107    CIRCLE_RADIUS = 100
108    NUM_CIRCLES = 6
109    DOT_SIZE = 5  # 5mm dot size
111    s = turtle.Screen()
112    s.bgcolor("white")
113    s.title("Hexagon Construction using Compass")
114    s.setup(width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HEIGHT)
115    s.tracer(1, 1)
117    t = turtle.Turtle()
118    t.speed(0)
120    center = (0, 0)
121    images = []
123    t.hideturtle()
125    draw_circles(t, center, NUM_CIRCLES, CIRCLE_RADIUS, images)
127    draw_hexagon(t, center, NUM_CIRCLES, CIRCLE_RADIUS, DOT_SIZE, images)
129    draw_dot(t, center, DOT_SIZE)
130    screen_img = s.getcanvas().postscript(colormode="color")
131    img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(screen_img.encode("utf-8")))
132    images.append(img)
134    currfile_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent
135    gif_path = currfile_dir / "gifs" / "hexagon_construction.gif"
137    images[0].save(gif_path, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], duration=500, loop=0, dpi=300)
139    s.update()
140    s.exitonclick()
143if __name__ == "__main__":
144    main()